The appeal is supported by Sang-ngak-cho-dzong - UK registered charity no. 1019886 - which was given it's name by HH Dud'jom Rinpoche. This is the emblem of the charity that has been used since it's foundation.
Volunteers who have time or skills to offer are always most welcome, and should write to me to discuss what might be possible.
Donors can donate by post, in GBP £ or Euros, sending a cheque or postal order payable to 'SNCD' and marked 'Drala Jong' on the reverse.
Paypal donations in USD $, GBP £, and Euros, can be sent to sncd@chatral.demon.co.uk
Sang-ngak-chö-dzong (SNCD) is a UK registered charity, no. 1019886, run by unpaid volunteers from the Aro Tradition. If you are a UK income tax payer please mark any donation 'Gift Aid' which will enable us to reclaim tax back on every pound donated.
Postal Address
Postal donations and correspondance can be sent c/o 20 Longcroft Road, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 4EX.
Volunteers who have time or skills to offer are always most welcome, and should write to me to discuss what might be possible.
Donors can donate by post, in GBP £ or Euros, sending a cheque or postal order payable to 'SNCD' and marked 'Drala Jong' on the reverse.
Paypal donations in USD $, GBP £, and Euros, can be sent to sncd@chatral.demon.co.uk
Sang-ngak-chö-dzong (SNCD) is a UK registered charity, no. 1019886, run by unpaid volunteers from the Aro Tradition. If you are a UK income tax payer please mark any donation 'Gift Aid' which will enable us to reclaim tax back on every pound donated.
Postal Address
Postal donations and correspondance can be sent c/o 20 Longcroft Road, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 4EX.
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