Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Dud'jom Rinpoche and Drala Jong

I'm delighted to report that we have found an old, external reference to the association of our charity with His Holiness Dud'jom Rinpoche, that dates from 1983.

Our Spiritual Directors, Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, were looking through boxes which hadn't been unpacked since they moved to their current home more than ten years ago, and a number of old papers and letters were rediscovered. They had been considered lost, and this one, which is written by one of Ngak'chang Chögyam Rinpoche's root teachers, makes reference to our charity name and Dud'jom Rinpoche.

I thought this should be shared here, since the Drala Jong appeal is Sang-ngak-chö-dzong's biggest project, and a fulfillment of the commitment made to Dud'jom Rinpoche regarding the yogic Vajrayana traditions in the West.

Sunday, 27 July 2008

Appeal Update

Dear Donors and Friends,

In light of the events of the last few days, where every letter or e-mail seemed to contain a donation, it felt timely to give you all a fund update.

Periodically our general fund raising efforts mean we have a surplus in the general charity fund, and we transfer that money into our appeal fund. That, combined with recent donations ranging from £20 to £1,000, have taken our appeal fund up to £58,032.85. We are well on course to match what we raised in 2007, and bring in over £10,000 during 2008.

Our thanks, thoughts and best wishes go to all who have made donations, and all our fund raisers.

Best regards

Ngakpa Namgyal, Appeal Director.

Sunday, 29 June 2008

British Tennis Champion Supports Drala Jong

Update 27/7/8 - Yesterday Richard presented the Drala Jong Appeal with £333, including his £100 prize and over £200 of sponsorship money. Way to go, Richard!

I'm delighted to announce that a Brit (more particularly, a Welshman) has won Wimbledon - or rather Wiimbledon. Richard O'Donovan has come out on top in the Cardiff Wiimbledon championships, and has nominated the Drala Jong appeal to be the recipient of his sponsorship money and the prize money for the victory.

Our deep gratitude and admiration go out to Richard, who has won something that Henman, Rusedski, and (to date) Murray have not managed - a British tennis championship.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Pride and Prejudice

Some folk who hear about Drala Jong assume all the art that will be created and performed there will be from an unfamiliar cultural context - either obviously overtly Buddhist, or inspired by Asian and Oriental influences. This pre judgement leads to the conclusion that somehow Drala Jong won't be accessible to everyone, but just those who want to explore Buddhist practice.

In actuality, we're proud that in fact Drala Jong will be about exploring and expanding all the senses and sense fields, and engaging with art in every way it might manifest. Our intention is to make the centre relevant to anyone who enjoys art, craft, or the simple joy of living - whether inspired by East or West, whether modern, or traditional. An example of this is embracing classical forms of dance, in particular 18th century dance.

I was fortunate enough to watch a performance by The Renaissance Historical Dance Society whilst on holiday recently. Some of the performers are shown here. Drala Jong will provide a venue where we can invite a myriad of artists, crafts people and living history enthusiasts to share their passions.

This is not a mere whimsy on our part. Buddhist practice is not about the stereotypes of 'vegetarianism' or 'being terribly nice to people'. It is about a myriad of human qualities, including dealing with people and the world at large in a genuine, authentic way; about poise, and grace, dignity and respect; courtesy and generosity of spirit. These qualities can be found in a host of forms within modern secular life, as well as within Buddhism (witness the teachings of Trungpa Rinpoche's Shambhala lineage). These qualities can also be found within 18th century English dance.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Fund Raising at Wiimbeldon

Adding to the list of unusual ways of raising funds for the appeal, Richard O'Donovan of Whitchurch, Cardiff is playing at Wiimbledon this year. No ... not Wimbledon ... Wiimbledon. This is a tournament of tennis played on the Wii games console which is taking place at the end of June in Cardiff. The requirement for entry is a 'pro' status of 1000. Richard's status is currently 2096 playing right handed and 2008 playing left handed, so he stands a good chance of doing well. The prize for winning is a cheque for £250 for his chosen charity, and his chosen charity is - yes you guessed it - Sang-ngak-chö-dzong, specifically the Drala Jong appeal. The organisers also suggest players seek sponsorship and if anyone would care to sponsor him via this blog please let me know if you would like to sponsor him and I'll put you in touch. So far there is £100 pledged by his sponsors and we'd love to help him improve on that.

For more information about the tournament in general please go to the Wiimbledon web site:

Check back in with the blog in a few weeks time, and I'll let you know how Richard performed. There's no Henman Hill at Wiimbledon, but maybe we can set up an O'Donovan Den in the competition venue, with Strawberries and Cream all round.

Friday, 9 May 2008

A slight aside - Lhundrup Thobgye Ling School

As a slight aside from the normal materials, I thought I would provide an update on our work for the 'Pemako Project' whose work includes supporting a local school in North Eastern India which provides both a modern education but also training in the yogic Buddhist tradition for local children (see elsewhere in the blog for more details).

The latest donation includes £50 from my employer, Corus in Caldicot South Wales ( which was given an award to grant to charities with local connections for managing a year without any accidents at our manufacturing site. The total donations year to date have reached £395 - which means we have contributed to feeding, clothing and educating four children at the school this year so far.

It is easy for people not well acquainted with our work to purely associate Sang-ngak-chö-dzong with the Aro Tradition in the UK, but in fact our remit extends to support the preservation of the yogic Buddhist traditions across all lineages and schools. The Nyingma, Kagyud and Sakya schools all contain a yogic element, although it is by far and away most prevelant in the first two traditions. Our charitable goals include supporting all of the myriad forms and manifestations of the yogic traditions, and included is a warm connection with practitioners from within the Bön tradition. To this end, charity volunteers and practitioners from the Aro Tradition are encouraged to attend and support events lead by teachers from any yogic tradition. This encouragement has led me personally to be fortunate enough to have contact with and receive teaching from Nyingma, Kagyud, Sakya and Bön teachers, including Lopon Ogyen Tanzin Rinpoche (see elsewhere in this blog) who is the head teacher at Lhundrup Thobgyé Ling. Tanzin Rinpoche is a teacher from the Dudjom gTér, not the Aro gTér, and is a ngakpa. We've been delighted to be able to host him as teacher on a number of occasions in the UK, where he primarily travels to teach his own students in England. We are extremely happy to be able to provide the primary UK route for charitable donations to support his school, enabling Buddhists and non-Buddhists, from any tradition or none, get their funds out to the east in the most direct, effective and tax efficient manner possible.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

The Art of Living - Part III - art and the wider world

What follows is an excerpt from an unpublished interview with Ngak'chang Rinpoche from 2007 regarding Drala Jong. I will include more excerpts from articles and interviews over coming months to help elaborate upon elements in the Drala Jong brochure available at

The interviewer is Caroline Sherwood (Q) and all responses are from Ngak'chang Rinpoche (NCR), one of the lineage holders of the Aro gTér and a Spiritual Director of Sang-ngak-chö-dzong.

Q: Drala Jong is a 'Retreat Centre' - so, what part does retreat play in the modern world?
NCR: Same as it did in the old world. However – I would say that it plays the same part as a guitar lesson or a horseriding lesson. You have to take time out in order to learn a skill or to gain experience. Meditation is not different in that sense to any other realm of skill or learning.

Q: What help do you still need for the new centre?
NCR: A great deal of money.

Q: What will Drala Jong offer to non Buddhists?
NCR: It will offer something quite surprising. Vajrayana—or essential vajrayana—is an area in which people are already involved whether they know or not. Vajrayana is there in romantic relationships and in the Arts. Vajrayana is there in all forms of creativity and in all human endeavours. We would make that obvious to people by speaking at an essential level about whatever interests them in life. This will be especially important to people involved with the Arts – but every area of life is open to being informed by essential vajrayana.

Q:What part do art and craft play in your tradition?
NCR: You could almost say they are the tradition. Vajrayana deals with the senses and the sense fields – and in so doing touches the heart of creativity. The essential nature of creativity is compassion – but that statement would take a great deal of explanation.

Q: I notice the brochure mentions dance. What kind of dance is this?
NCR: Meditative dance. The actualisation or enactment of the realised state in terms of movement. Dance is an aspect of enlightened theatre – and as such is central to the Arts. Vajrayana contains all the Arts and expresses itself through the Arts.

Q: The name Drala Jong translates as ‘Sparkling Meadow of Primal Iridescence’ - this may seem rather grand to some people. What inspired it and what does it imply?
NCR: The ‘grand’ sound of the name stems from Vajrayana spiritual culture. If a name is given for any endeavour, then—according to Vajrayana—it needs to be inspirational. This name accords with that style. Drala Jong could also be translated in many different ways – because there is no English equivalent for drala. Jong simply means meadow – but meadow has certain connotations in Tibetan that might be lacking in English – so I made it ‘sparkling meadow’. Then drala . . . well . . . drala relates to the fact that the world is not inanimate, insensate, or uncommunicative. Drala is the living ambience of the world in terms of the personality of a place. If you take a walk in a wood—and you’re not entirely preoccupied with thought—you may well have a sense of connectivity. You may feel that the trees reciprocate within the sense fields. We’re not exactly speaking of Ents here—you understand—but maybe Tolkien did have some sense of what is meant by drala. I don’t want to make this as flowery as ‘being in harmony with nature’ – and anyway, that would only be part of the story. In terms of drala the harmony would be a two way process . . . it might even be three dimensionally contrapuntal. Oh dear . . . I think I’ve made it sound grand again.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

The Art of Living - Part II

"The mind is the greatest artist, painting various relative truths with the brush of conception."

Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, Magic Dance 1981:135

"At the highest levels of meditation and art there are no longer any set rules, just the spontaneous flow of creativity"

Dugu Choegyal Rinpoche, The Dalai Lamas' Secret Temple, 2000:39

Friday, 11 April 2008

The Art of Living - Part 1

"On the wall surface of whatever appears
I paint the vision of non-duality
With the brush of meditation.
Holding the teachings on the inseparability
Of emptiness and appearance,
I am the master artist, 'The Lotus Born'."


(The Dalai Lama's Secret Temple, 2000:114)

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Are your donations wisely invested?

It used to be traditional that donors to charities weren't overly worried about the administration practices or policies of the organisation to which they donated. In modern times there is a far higher focus on issues of 'transparency' with people rightly concerned that in some charitable organisations a huge percentage of every pound donated goes on management charges, employment costs and so on. Some major household names in the charity sector consume upwards of 25% of all donations purely on administration costs.

So, where does Sang-ngak-chö-dzong sit in comparison to the 'big name' charities?

Well, firstly everyone who works for Sang-ngak-chö-dzong is an unpaid volunteer. This is very much in keeping with the spirit of the UK charitable sector, where the principle is that as much as possible people should donate their time and energy to a good cause without expectation of financial compensation. Our committee of trustees numbers between 10 and 15 individuals at any one time, and all are unpaid - indeed, to be a trustee one must pay to be a 'Friend of Sang-ngak-chö-dzong'

The public events that we run are all 'self funding' inclusive of any advertising that we may use. This means that the fees paid by course and retreat attendees are structured to cover all the costs including food, accomodation, publicity and so on, that are associated with our events. The teachers of our courses are unpaid, whether a teaching couple like Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, or Nga-la Nor'dzin and Nga-la 'ö'Dzin, or a meditation instructor studying as part of our teacher training programme.

The only administrative costs we bear are associated with basics such as postage, and also our legal requirement to have our accounts checked by an independant accountant.

What does this amount to? Well, in 2007 Sang-ngak-chö-dzong's administrative costs as a share of all expenditure was 5%, and as a share of turnover it was less than 3%. That means that for every pound we receive, less than 3p went to cover charity costs. In fact our policy is that our charitable projects, such as supporting Lopon Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche and the Pemakö School, and of course our Drala Jong project, bear no costs at all. Instead our other operations such as the book shop have to generate sufficient profit to cover our cost base, so that 100% of each donation received goes straight to the good cause we are supporting.

We hope that our donors approve of our policies - undertaken in the spirit of Ogyen Dzambhala - Wealth and Generosity manifestation of the Buddhas' Wisdom.

Friday, 29 February 2008

A venue to host Honoured Guests

In addition to providing a home base for the Aro Tradition in the UK ( Drala Jong will provide a venue to host guest teachers from around the world. In recent years Sang-ngak-chö-dzong - our UK registered charity - has invited teachers such as Lopon P Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche (see below) and Lama Tharchin Rinpoche (pictured here) to teach in Britain. Unfortunately we've never been able to host such honoured guest teachers in the manner or for the time that we would like, due to the physical and financial constraints of rented venues.

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche is the lineage head of the Repkong ngakpas - the largest dra'tsang (tantric college) of ngakpas in Tibet. Lama Tharchin Rinpoche ( last visited in 1996, when we were able to host him giving public teachings on the Seven Line Song of Padmasambhava, according to the commentary of Mipham Rinpoche. It was during this visit that Lama Tharchin Rinpoche publically gave students of Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen the instruction to use the epithet 'Ngak'chang' when refering to our teacher - as previously we had addressed him as Ngakpa Chögyam Rinpoche. We hope Drala Jong will furnish generations who visit with the inspiration to become 'great masters of mantra' - 'Ngak'chang' - and that we will be able to host other teachers of such kindness, accomplishment and erudition as Lama Tharchin Rinpoche to benefit all who have an interest in the teachings of the Nyingma Tradition in Britain.
The little boy in the picture is young Robert - the son of Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen. It is also our intent that Drala Jong be a family friendly centre, able to accomodate students with children, and able to host family retreats for those with either practicing (Buddhist) or non-practicing partners.

Friday, 22 February 2008

The meaning of 'Drala Jong', and ties to Ling Gésar

When my wife Ngakma Shé-zér & I approached our teachers Ngak'chang Chögyam Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen about launching this appeal, we particularly excited when it came to requesting a name for the centre. I think for us the name was going to somehow make the whole thing more tangible - even though we started out with no idea how to raise the £500,000 we felt we needed to set up a centre.

Traditionally Ngak'chang Rinpoche would give a name to a place such as a gompa only once he'd been there and had a sense of the place and the space it occupied. Since we didn't have the funds, let a alone a potential venue at this stage, we thought at the very least Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen would want to sleep on the matter. However in the moment, the name Drala Jong arose. We were delighted. We asked for a teaching on the name, then, later on, Ngak'chang Rinpoche kindly agreed to write about the meaning. This is what he wrote:

Drala Jong innately exists in human beings. ‘Drala’ is the appreciative faculty which exponentially enlivens people the more they engage with the world. Appreciation is the key to enjoyment and to the delighting in the enjoyment of others. When we learn to appreciate phenomena our sense fields ‘Jong’ begin to sparkle and a sense of generosity is born which connects us with others. Although Vajrayana Buddhism is by no means unknown in the West – the sense in which enjoyment and compassion are mutually interdependent remains unexpressed. We would like Drala Jong to be a place where human beings could discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts – and the art of living.

Ngak’chang Rinpoche, 13th September 2006, Penarth, Wales

We were particularly delighted that 'Drala' is part of the centre's name, as Drala is connected with practices associated with Ling Gésar. Gésar training from the gTérma of Rang-rig Togden has recently started to be offered by teachers from the Aro Tradition - specifically our vajra brothers Naljorpa Chhi'med Kunzang in California, and Naljorpa Bar-ché Dorje in Finland (see for details). This training contains elements of equestrianism, martial arts, and physical yoga and we intend to invite Gésar teachers to Drala Jong to give instruction on these practices once the centre is opened.

The Ling Gesar story is part of popular Tibetan folklore, but there are also practices associated with him found in several different Buddhist lineages. When visiting Kyabjé Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Samphel in Nepal films were shown of Gésar's life, and Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Samphel dressed in Ling Gésar costume, gave gifts associated with Ling Gésar and demonstrated Gésar cham.

More recently, Sang-ngak-chö-dzong was able to facilitate a series of visits to the UK by Lopon P. Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche, a teacher from the Dud'jom gTér and headmaster of a gö-kar-chang-lo'i-dé school in India, and (see for his UK teaching contacts). During his busy teaching schedule on his recent visits he has attended Aro gTér events and given teaching on Nyingma history and also Ling Gésar cham to practitioners from the Aro Tradition.

So all these strands that connect the Aro gTér to Ling Gésar have come together in recent years and his practices are now part of the wider Aro Tradition - and 'Drala' is enshrined in the name of our planned UK retreat centre.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

New donation & fund update

I'm delighted to report that this week we have received our largest single donation to date - £5,000 - and that this takes the total appeal fund to £54,996. Every donation is welcome - the smallest to date has been £2 - but it's always nice to improve on our record. Some donations come from members of the Aro Tradition - one of the primary lineages supported by our charity Sang-ngak-chö-dzong - whilst many have come from people outside the tradition. This was one such, and we're very appreciative of the gift.

For those who haven't read the appeal document our goal is to raise £500,000, so this donation is a big step for us. Our thanks to our latest donors - you know who you are!

If you'd like a copy of the appeal brochure it's available for purchase in hard copy or soft copy at with all profits going to the appeal fund.

Presently I'll be posting on a couple of fund raising opportunities that I hope interest the readership.

Best regards to one and all.


Friday, 8 February 2008

What others have said about the appeal

Whenever I receive a letter from someone considerate enough to take the time to write to me about our project, it gives me great heart. I thought that volunteers and donors might be interested in some of the feedback we've received. A selection of comments follow from some of the individuals and organisations outside of Sang-ngak-chö-dzong and the Aro gTér who have been kind enough to voice their support.

". . .we hope our donation goes some way to helping you achieve your total to build the new centre. . . and wish you every success with your venture. . ."

Tracy O'Sullivan, the cyril & eve jumbo charitable trust - registered UK charity no. 1097209

". . . this is for a great cause. . .'

Ewan Hunter, CEO The Hunter Foundation

". . . the best of luck. . .'

Keeley Youle, Virgin Management Ltd.

"May all be auspicious!"

Caroline Sherwood, Freelance journalist

"Their Royal Highnesses much appreciated your writing to them and have asked me to send you their best wishes"

David Hutson, Assistant Treasurer to TRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall

"Thank you very much for your letter. . . I read the [appeal] document with great interest and do wish you every success. . . Please do keep me informed of your progress."

Jessica Morden, Labour MP for Newport East

"I'm really excited to hear about the Drala Jong centre and would like to be kept in touch with developments. Good luck with the development of this wonderful project!"

Jonathan Middlemiss, Artist

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Why now? Kyabjé Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche & Jomo Samphel

Whilst the original inspiration for the foundation of Sang-ngak-chö-dzong came from His Holiness Dud'jom Rinpoche, the idea of having our own retreat place has not always been at the forefront of the thinking of our tradition. Indeed when I joined the tradition there was still a tendancy to indulge in a gentle play on words, whereby we used the epithet 'the Tibetan Tantric periphery' to describe ourselves because we had no (retreat) centre. We would regularly hold yogic encampment retreats, as these were very much in the keeping with our tradition in Tibet; ordinations have always been a celebration of the fulfillment of our collective commitment to Dud'jom Rinpoche to sustain the go-kar-chang-lo'i-dé. Sometimes other Nyingma practitioners from outside the Aro Tradition have requested these vows, and those of great dedication and sincerity who have met the ngongdro requirements have been given them. Each time this has happened the promise is reaffirmed. However a retreat centre has only occasionally been the subject of discussion.

This was to change however. In 1995 it was with great delight that my teachers Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen had a chance encounter that led to them meeting Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Samphel in Kathmandu, Nepal. Ngak'chang Rinpoche had studied the Dzogchen teachings with Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche many years previously, having been directed to him in order to receive these practices by Dud'jom Rinpoche. Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche is particularly important therefore in terms of the Aro gTér, as it is a Dzogchen lineage. At the end of his studies, Ngak'chang Rinpoche had been instructed that this period of his study was concluded and that it was time to move into the next phase of his life and practice. Rinpoche did not expect to see Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche again in this lifetime and Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche was known to live an itinerant lifestyle, rarely letting people know where he would be staying or for how long. It would have been impossible to stay in touch even if he had wanted to, so it was a complete surprise to be invited to see him during a pilgrimage to the East.

This chance meeting led to a series of pilgrimages to the Kathmandu valley, which focussed on students in our tradition spending time with Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Samphel. We are always warmly welcomed, and after a period of time the offer was made to found a retreat centre for Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche and Jomo Samphel in the area. They were advancing in age, and it seemed perhaps it might finally be time for them to settle. Funds were raised, and sent through various third parties to the East, but as these things sometimes fall out in the East the plans didn't quite go as had been intended.

During a visit a couple of years ago by practitioners from the Aro Tradition, concern was being expressed that due to outside action funds had not got to where they had been intended to go. Kunzang Dorje Rinpoche responded 'I am an old man. I have never been interested in having a centre of my own in the past and am not sure why I thought it might be a good idea to have one now. Centres are very important in the West; very important to help firmly establish traditions such as yours. You must keep your money and build your own centre in the West.' And thus we started our fund raising appeal.

Sunday, 3 February 2008

How can I contribute to the Drala Jong appeal?

The appeal is supported by Sang-ngak-cho-dzong - UK registered charity no. 1019886 - which was given it's name by HH Dud'jom Rinpoche. This is the emblem of the charity that has been used since it's foundation.


Volunteers who have time or skills to offer are always most welcome, and should write to me to discuss what might be possible.


Donors can donate by post, in GBP £ or Euros, sending a cheque or postal order payable to 'SNCD' and marked 'Drala Jong' on the reverse.

Paypal donations in USD $, GBP £, and Euros, can be sent to

Sang-ngak-chö-dzong (SNCD) is a UK registered charity, no. 1019886, run by unpaid volunteers from the Aro Tradition. If you are a UK income tax payer please mark any donation 'Gift Aid' which will enable us to reclaim tax back on every pound donated.

Postal Address

Postal donations and correspondance can be sent c/o 20 Longcroft Road, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 4EX.

Drala Jong - Dud'jom Rinpoche & 1977

In 1977 His Holiness Dud'jom Rinpoche gave direction to Ngak'chang Chögyam Rinpoche that he must work to preserve the gendun karpo in the West.

Gendun karpo literally means 'white sangha' and refers to the colour of our skirts - as distinct from the gendun marpo or red skirted monastic sangha. We are also known variously as the ngak'phang sangha ('mantra wielding', in reference to the fruitional stage of the mantra practice in which we engage) and also the 'gö-kar-chang-lo'i-dé' (the series of those who wear white skirts and maintain long hair). This tradition of ordination is based upon the teachings of Buddhist Tantra, whereas monasticism is based upon Buddhist sutra.

The gendun karpo has been subject to huge political pressure since the end of the first spread of Buddhism in Tibet. In modernity the pressure is such that almost all Tibetan women who practice in this style hide from public gaze, rarely wearing the characteristic white skirt. Many male practitioners also wear the red skirt of the monastic tradition to avoid persecution.

Prior to his passing in 1988, Dud'jom Rinpoche was the head of the Nyingma Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, and every Nyingma Lama of the mid-late 20th Century revered him as their teacher. He gave the name 'Sang-ngak-chö-dzong' ('secret fortress of mantra') as an inspiration for this accomplishment of his vision. In 1988 Ngak'chang Rinpoche ordained Lama Nor'dzin Pamo - the first Western woman to take ordination into this stream of practice. As time has passed many others have taken these vows, such that in the year 2000, 84 sangha members spent a week together in Baarlo in the Netherlands, which concluded with 25 ordained sangha members emerging from the retreat. In the meantime in 1993 Sang-ngak-chö-dzong became a registered UK charity. This charity has since supported this unique style of practice, including helping make available teachings from the Aro gTér, Dud'jom gTér, Khordong gTér and Chang gTér. The Drala Jong appeal is the next step in our commitment to Dud'jom Rinpoche to see the gendun karpo permanently established in the West.

I have the great pleasure to be the appeal director for this work, and this blog is intended to give supporters and the wider public a little insight into how we are setting about fulfilling our promise to His Holiness Dud'jom Rinpoche.